
Blackjack Success

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The game of Blackjack, overall, is a relatively easily understood game. The concept is simple: get closest to 21 without busting and beat the dealer. However, as with any game, there are tips and strategies that you can set into place that will help you find success in the game of Blackjack.
It is vital to take the time and effort involved in learning these strategies and tips in order to succeed in Blackjack and increase your overall profits made within the game.
Let’s take a look at some tips that are essential in helping you make the right turns on the road to Blackjack success.
Learn blackjack basic strategy
Every game has its own basic Blackjack strategy. Blackjack is one of the casino games that is based on math principals rather than luck and guesses. So, when playing Blackjack don’t think that chance and luck is what you need by your side because you can just hang up your superstitions as they mean nothing in Blackjack – only math.
Don’t ever take insurance
Insurance is definitely a no-no in Blackjack. It is offered but it’s a sucker bet and should never be taken. It’s practically a side bet that means nothing.
Learn to count cards – if you are brave enough
Keep in mind that while learning to count cards is going to give you a huge advantage at Blackjack, it is also illegal in almost all casinos. If you can do it without getting caught then more power to you because if you are caught, you’ll be kicked out of the casino and will likely be banned and unable to ever return.
There are several different types of card counting techniques and systems so you’ll need to do extensive and further research on this to determine which one is easiest for you to understand, learn and implement.
Money management is crucial
No matter what game you are playing whether poker or a casino game, you need to manage your money properly. You should never borrow money to gamble with nor should you gamble with money that you couldn’t afford.
If you are gambling with money that needs to pay your mortgage payment, your car payment or your electricity bill then you shouldn’t be gambling at all.
In addition, if you have a $200 bankroll, you don’t want to place $50 bets to begin with. Start small and work your way up.
Know when bet sizes should be adjusted
You shouldn’t adjust your bet size at any time during the game unless the true count has gone up – you get the true count when you are implementing card counting strategies.
If the true count increases, you should increase your bet size and when the true count decreases, your bet size should decrease as well. Only up your bet size when you see favorable odds not because you feel like it or have a «good» feeling because those feelings don’t matter in a casino game like Blackjack.
Maintain Your Focus
When playing Blackjack, you must maintain your focus at all times. Your mind can’t be wandering off because you are thinking about your ex-girlfriend that you caught cheating with your best friend last night and you can’t be thinking about that hot girl at the next table over. You must keep your focus on the game at all times in order to succeed at Blackjack and maximize your overall profits. You need to be on top of your game at all times so this also means limiting your intake of alcohol – it’s best to not drink at all but if you must then limit yourself to one or two drinks and no more.
Show discipline
Make yourself a plan and stick to it. Don’t raise your betting limits unless you know the odds are in your favor, don’t gamble with money that you can’t afford, etc. All of these tips take discipline in order to implement them and it’s vital that you understand this to its fullest extent. Maintain this discipline even when you are losing. Without discipline, you won’t get far in the game of Blackjack, or any game at a casino, and you’ll only increase your losses rather than your profits.
Blackjack Etiquette
Finally, be sure to be polite to the dealer and other players at the Blackjack table.

Successful Blackjack Players

The knockout success rate is determined by the player's Thieving level. When knocking out Menaphite Thugs, the success rate at level 99 Thieving is 94%, increasing linearly from 31% at level 1 (disregarding the actual requirement). The knockout success. According to my blackjack appendix 4, the probability of an overall win in blackjack is 42.22%, a tie is 8.48%, and a loss is 49.10%. I'm going to assume you wish to ignore ties for purposes of the streak. Since this thread is Blackjack Success Long Term, long term success can only be found through advantage play. Ihate17 morrotho November 2007 Well, is 22 wins in a row, and 16 wins in a row 'luck'?

Blackjack SuccessSuccess

Blackjack Success Strategy

Have you already learned how to play blackjack and enjoy the game but can’t seem to find sure-fire ways to get ahead of the dealer? Do you want to increase your advantage over the house and even out the odds just a little bit? Well, if you answered yes to either or both of the previous questions then you are in the right place. This article is going to give you seven tips that will you increase your overall blackjack success when you are at the table.
Watch the Draw
One of the most important things to know in blackjack is when you should and when you shouldn’t. There are a number of in-depth charts available online for players to memorize; however, memorization isn’t everyone’s strong suit. If you don’t have time to learn the strategy charts or have the capability of doing so then try to remember this one simple tip: don’t hit if there are a lot of dealt low cards when your total is above 11 but below 17. The reason for this is that you have a relatively high chance of busting if you hit so instead of taking the chance and busting yourself – let the dealer or one of the other players take that card just in case.
Double Down
While many would say, otherwise, doubling down can be a great move for you as a blackjack player but only when used correctly. You should double down anytime you have a 10 or 11 and the dealer’s face up card is at six or below. Usually, this move will come out in your favour and it’s definitely worth the chance taken if you have a high chance of doubling your stake.
Split Sensibly
There is a simple rule that goes hand-in-hand with splitting at the table; however, most people still don’t abide by it and lose money because of it. Don’t ever split your 10’s but always splits your eights and your Aces. Two Aces equal 12 together but are potential blackjacks when separated. Two eights equal 16 together, which as you probably know is one of the worst numbers in blackjack, but can equal much better numbers when split. Further, with two 10’s, you have a total of 20, which aside from 21 is the best possible number to have in the game of blackjack so there is no reason to split them apart and risk it all when you most likely have the winning hand with two 10’s.
Never Purchase Insurance
For experienced gamblers, insurance is a sucker bet. Insurance is not something you should ever purchase when playing blackjack. It is simply a way for the casino to get some money back because so many gamblers fall into the trap of thinking that purchasing insurance is the way to go. Insurance makes you risk more money at a possible chance of making sure you end up with even money but more often than not, you will lose your original wager as well as your insurance bet. The risk isn’t worth it when it is very difficult to determine if the dealer has a blackjack.
Raise your wagers as play progresses
You should always start small and work your way up. As you win, you should raise your wagers. On the same token, you should lower your wagers as you lose. This helps you maintain a positive cash flow and bankroll while ensuring you stay in the game as long as possible.
Give Your Full Attention to the Game
It is very common for gamblers to let their minds wonder when playing blackjack as well as any other casino game. When you lose your concentration, dumb moves come into play that cost money – money that the casino then receives. If you can see that your mind is away from the game, then get up from the table and take a break – go grab a drink, a bite to eat or something to help gather your concentration and get your head back into the game. Your money is what is at stake when you lose your focus so you should do whatever it takes to win the game.
Set Logical Goals
When gambling, you should always set goals for yourself; however, don’t set goals that are completely out of reach. Instead, set rational goals that you will be able to achieve. When you reach that goal, stop playing – at least for a bit. Too many gamblers don’t know when to stop and that’s how they lose all the money they have won. If you set a goal of $1, 000, when you reach it, stop. Quit while you are head as it’s the only way to minimize your losses while maximizing your gains and that is exactly what you want to do when playing in the casino.

Craps Success Stories

The game of Blackjack, overall, is a relatively easily understood game. The concept is simple: get closest to 21 without busting and beat the dealer. However, as with any game, there are tips and strategies that you can set into place that will help you find success.